All Online Franchisee who availed the toktok Online Franchise package and has registered their account
in JC is eligible to apply as a toktok Franchise Operator by following these steps:
Step 1: Go to website
Step 2: Click “Be a toktok Operator”
Step 3: Sign up to the toktok Operator Registration Form and provide the needed requirements.
Step 4: Attend two (2) Operator Orientation (Schedule as follows):
Technical Training PREVIEW via zoom at 7pm with AD Jeffrey Ang, AD Rene Ayson and Ms. Bernadette Tejada
toktok Operator Orientation: Validation and Approval with the following schedule via zoom:
10:00am – 12:00nn
01:00pm – 03:00pm
Link 1:
Meeting ID: 931 2288 3066
Passcode: 665536
Note 1: For validation of account during the orientation, your registered FULL NAME in your toktok application should appear during the Zoom Orientation.
Note 2: Approval and validation will take 24-72 hours after attending at least two (2) required trainings EXCLUDING Sundays and holidays.