How can we help?

Frequently asked questions

All Online Franchisee who availed the toktok Online Franchise package and has registered their account in JC is eligible to apply as a toktok Franchise Operator by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to website
  • Step 2: Click “Be a toktok Operator”
  • Step 3: Sign up to the toktok Operator Registration Form and provide the needed requirements.
  • Step 4: Attend two (2) Operator Orientation (Schedule as follows):
  • Technical Training PREVIEW via zoom at 7pm with AD Jeffrey Ang, AD Rene Ayson and Ms. Bernadette Tejada
  • toktok Operator Orientation: Validation and Approval with the following schedule via zoom:
  • 10:00am – 12:00nn
    01:00pm – 03:00pm

  • Link 1:
    Meeting ID: 931 2288 3066
    Passcode: 665536

  • Note 1: For validation of account during the orientation, your registered FULL NAME in your toktok application should appear during the Zoom Orientation.

  • Note 2: Approval and validation will take 24-72 hours after attending at least two (2) required trainings EXCLUDING Sundays and holidays.

As our partner, you will be given a unique access to your dashboard wherein you can administer your online shop, manage all your products, and monitor your sales generated by toktokmall.

P39 for the first kilometer and additional P7 per succeeding km.

Step 1: Contact your Operator and get the Rider’s Application Link
Step 2: Click the Rider’s Application Link sent by the Operator (You should see your Operator’s name on top of the Registration Form)
Step 3: Fill out the Registration Form
Step 4: Upload the needed requirements (Professional Driver’s License, Motorcycle’s OR/CR & NBI Clearance)

1. SMS
2. Email
3. Dashboard Notification

Yes. Our customers can cancel their order/s as long as it is still under the PLACED ORDER status. However, once a rider has accepted the order and the food is already being prepared by the merchant, cancellation is no longer allowed. There is also no option to cancel if the selected merchant is auto accepting orders.

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